Saturday, July 2, 2011



General Objectives: Develop understanding and beginning knowledge and skills in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Specific Objectives: After the course, participants will be able to:
1.    Relate briefly the history and development of Traditional Chinese Medicine
2.    Describe briefly some of the WHO guidelines for acupuncture location
3.    Discuss the Theories of the Yin and Yang, the Five Elements and their application in Chinese Medicine
4.    Explain the theories of meridians and their implication to health and illness
5.    Discuss the 12 basic meridians and their functions and special indications particularly those commonly used
6.    Explain the fundamental substances, their functions and basic pathology
7.    Explain the basic TCM physiology and pathology
8.    Demonstrate the 4 methods of diagnosis and to include history taking
9.    Explain the 4 parameters of disease and syndrome differentiation
10. Demonstrate acupuncture procedures and needling techniques
11. Demonstrate moxibustion and cupping

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